Research Methodology Subject Deals with very important and foremost attentive part of the ancient methodologies of research and statistical analysis developed and followed by different Ayurvedic scientists and its significance in today’s research. Structurally the subject covers full information of text related historical methods of research and modern techniques used for updating knowledge and its practical application in day to day practice. Different research techniques are specially designed for clinical research in Ayurvedic sciences, to know different legal aspects and guidelines of clinical research published by different authorities, to solve unexpected problems occurred during ongoing research project, to know different helping agencies and data sources in this field.
Department Profile
Sr. No |
Content |
Particular |
1 |
Department Area |
2 |
No. of Teaching Staff |
3 |
No. of Non-Teaching Staff |
4 |
No. of Departmental Library Book |
5 |
No. of Charts |
6 |
No. of Models |
7 |
No. of Specimen |
No. |
Designation |
Name of Teacher |
Photo |
Qualification |
Teacher Code |
Date of Joining |
Total Teaching Experience |
Mobile No. |
Email ID |
1. |
H.O.D. |
Dr. Ajit Vijaykumar Patil |
B.A.M.S., M.D. Ayu. Samhita & Siddhanta |
AYSS00100 |
01/12/2020 |
08 Y 05 M |
9860756724 | |
2. |
Reader |
Dr. Pramod Prakash Kanap |
M.D. Kriya Sharir |
AYKS00043 |
25/08/2020 |
09 Y 5 M |
9970131351 | |
3 |
Professor |
Dr.Prasanna Tukaram Gavali |
M.D. Dravyaguna 2003 |
AYDG01019 |
01/12/2022 |
20 Y 04 M |
9921638074 | |
4 |
Reader |
Dr. Nakil Shweta Rahul |
M.D. Swasthavritta 2013 |
16/04/2014 |
09 Y 09 M |
9850920891 | |
5 |
Biostatistician Lecturer |
Mr. Vishwas Chandrakant Salagare |
M.Sc. Statistic |
-- |
01/01/2021 |
3 Y 1 M |
9049743302 | |